First, I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving comments. It’s always a pleasure to open my website and discover I’ve had visits from readers who keep coming back. I’m going to call you my Beloved Faithfuls. I hope the list will grow because we’re going to have a lot of fun on the blog. And I’m going to be generous with gifts to my Beloved Faithfuls. The first is coming up April 15th!

Next, I want to let you know that the blog won’t always be about writing. Even though I spend a big portion of my time at the desk creating characters and thinking up plots that I hope will entertain you, I also live an ordinary life that includes grocery shopping and singing first soprano in the church choir and walking my dogs and trying not to miss a single episode of The Bachelor – my guilty pleasure. And now the bachelor is on Dancing with the Stars. Yippee!  So don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t love Shakespeare and Faulkner and Sean Lowe at the same time. I’m living proof.

I confess that I had intended to make this blog entirely about eating gluten free, because that’s what I have to do.  And then I was going to ask if you knew some really great gluten free recipes and quick-fix foods I could stock in my pantry, because it’s very hard to work through lunch then discover you’re starving and know you can’t go into the kitchen and fix a sandwich (all that melt-in-your-mouth wheat bread). And cheese straws… Oh, my! If you know where I can buy a ton of gluten free cheese straws, I’ll be forever in your debt.

Of course, all that’s part of being just an ordinary woman. And I’m certain diabetics feel the same about fresh coconut cake as I do about yeast-rising wheat rolls and cheese straws. It’s the greener grass on the other side of the fence. I want to whine until I can have some. Instead, I console myself with chocolate, and only feel remorseful when I try to zip my pants. It’s a good thing I’m not magically going off to meet Sean Lowe.

I also confess that contrary to the photos posted on my website, I don’t spend the day at my computer wearing makeup and a really cute outfit. Today I’m in sweat pants and a cozy old plaid shirt that my son outgrew after high school. Warm socks, too. Because of high humidity, Mississippi in March can be very cold, though not nearly as cold as New Hampshire earlier in the week when I was visiting my grandchildren and it snowed a foot in a single day.

The deadline is looming on my second book written as Elaine Hussey, and I have to get back to work. But it would be so much easier if I had some gluten free cheese straws. Beloved Faithfuls, be on the lookout and let me know if you find some.

4 Responses to ON BEING ORDINARY

  1. [url=http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N55213.html]爪のÆよりかなり長いカーブを下って、42 mmのケースを手首にタイトを得るのを許します。ブランド時計コピー私の手首の上では、多少のオーバーハングがありました、しかし、それは私が本当にだけ拾った私が撮った写真を見たときに何かです;それは、私が気づいたことさえない手首の上での間のものだった。移動に対するケース、ベゼルに来て、私は一種の二重ステップを丸くするが見ない何かでした。この基準からの素晴らしい変化のペースは腕時計を見てベゼルに角です、そして、その研磨面を紹介した鋭く対照的な毛羽仕上げの(ほぼ加工)の両側に終わります。[/url]

  2. [url=http://www.eevance.com/tokei/hermes/index.html]Gaga Milanoスーパーコピー時計販売、 はガガミラノスーパーコピー通販専門店です . 0.267826628 レプリカGaga Milanoのクラスプ: 展開 . 製品はされています高品質ガガミラノと低価格で提供,、コピーぜひ一度当店の商品をお試しください。宜しくお願いします(^_^)。 . スーパーコピーガガミラノ時計Blog:[/url]

  3. Lee says:

    You keep writing and I’ll be looking for Gluten free cheese straws. Hugs!

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