Book Talk: Setting

The Sweetest Hallelujah is set in 1955 when the Deep South was in upheaval. This time frame is not merely the background of the story but an integral part of it.  The characters and the outcome of the story are directly impacted by the horrific, historical events that unfolded that summer.

The story I’m currently writing takes place during a momentous four week period in 1969 between the time Neal Armstrong landed on the moon and Hurricane Camille laid waste to the MississippiGulfCoast. Again, this time period shapes the story.

Do you have any favorite stories that are set in a moment in history? Is there a particular moment in time you’d like to see as a setting and major influence on a story?

Thank all of you for joining our discussions here at the blog.  Do keep coming back because the next drawing will be at the end of June.  And the prizes will be wonderful!

For the April drawing, I pulled two names from the hat. The winners are Cat and Leigh, and each of you will receive a $25 bookstore gift card. To collect your prize, please contact me privately though the link on this blog. I’ll need your email address when I purchase the gift card for you.  After I hear from you and make the purchase, I’ll privately email the details to you.  Congratulations!

See you soon. Happy reading!

12 Responses to Book Talk: Setting

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  6. Lee says:

    My last name is always spelled and pronounced wrong, but I’m used to it. But for the meeting, I had sent in a WRITTEN registration. And they still got it wrong!! LOL You, I’m not worried about…as long as I get my pressie!! I didn’t want to be presumptious, but I wanted to check. HUGS!

  7. Lee says:

    Was that supposed to be Lee??? Or is Leigh correct?? Not trying to bug you, but want to be sure to get my prize if it is me?!!

    • Oh,dear, of course it was Lee!!!! It was very late when I put up the post and I was very tired. So sorry, Lee. You are one of the winners of a $25.00 bookstore gift card. Send an email via the contact link on this website and give me your email addy so it’s right in front of me and I don’t make a mistake. Congratulations!

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