What Makes a Book a Keeper?

What makes you want to keep a book on your shelves? Do you go back and read it again and again?  If so, why?

The books I keep fall into three categories: (a) they are written by a favorite author, (b) the writing is so stunningly lyrical it reminds me of poetry, and (c) I love the characters so much I can’t bear to part with them. A few of my favorite authors are Jodi Picoult, Pat Conroy, Elizabeth Berg, Alice Hoffman, Anne Tyler, Joshilyn Jackson and Mary Alice Monroe.  The writing of Conroy, Berg, and Hoffman takes my breath away. Picoult, Jackson, Tyler, and Monroe give me complex stories with characters who take up residence in my memory. At odd moments they pop out, and I’ll remember a scene from the book that made me cry or smile or want to stand up and shout, yes!

There are other books I keep, of course. Those written by good friends such as Debra Webb, Cindy Gerard, Vicki Hinzi, Kathy Carmichael and Regan Black. All good writers who know how to entertain and keep the reader turning pages.

Sometimes I’ll keep a book written by an author I’ve just discovered, someone who has penned such an unusual book I want it on my shelves just in case I want to go back and read it again. Damage by Josephine Hart is just such a book. It’s an older book, written so long ago I can’t recall. But every time I think of the story, I remember how I felt reading it – stunned and breathless.

I have to get back to writing now.  I’m on such a tight deadline, writing my second book as Elaine Hussey.

Beloved Faithfuls, thanks for stopping by. Do tell your friends so they can become Beloved Faithfuls, too.

Soon we’ll be drawing names for the first prizes. I will give at least two book store gift cards on the 15th.  Maybe even three!  Winners will be announced here – and only here. You have to claim your prize here – and only here.

Thanks for stopping by and chatting about books.

19 Responses to What Makes a Book a Keeper?

  1. [url=http://www.gowatchs.com/news_cat-12.html]これはsevenfridayシリーズで私の問題である。この音はセンセーショナルかもしれないとして、私はシリーズの古典であったと思っています。それはそれとして崇拝して非常に軽蔑されるかもしれません、しかし、それに耐えた。その価格の点で、そのように見えるのは、それがその生産実行上の数千と何千もの特徴のコレクションに設定されている。その影から踏み出すとき、単に、sevenfriday sevenfridayシリーズその先駆者に接続するために何かをしました。彼らが、何sevenfriday 01シリーズv 3で明らかなように、同一のパターンレイアウトを次のリリース計画、シェアードソースからインスピレーションをとって、各シリーズの各モデルを用いた ガガミラノスーパーコピー 。で、シリーズは、1、2、3の各々と、それぞれに触発された産業の本質によって、産業革命、産業用エンジン。これは、消費者は各々の以降のシリーズが好きになったのですdnaのいくつかの表現かもしれないが、多くのバリエーションが期待できる手段(または憎しみ)は、以前のリリース。それが意味するもののために人々と女の子は、sevenfridayプレスリリース文書で請求されたラインの下の宣伝の年を維持するのにかなり創造的になるだろうということです。[/url]

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  5. Thank you, Elaine, for mentioning me. You are such a wonderful friend and an equally wonderful writer.

    I have tons of keepers that I read over and over again. Almost always it’s the characters who grab me. Rereading one of the books is very much like visiting an old friend. I have an entire bookcase dedicated to signed books. I’ll never part with them!

    • Kathy, it was my pleasure to mention you in the blog. You have a knack for storytelling and creating characters the readers love! Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you soon. Perhaps at RWA.

  6. Cat says:

    I have been reading since I was very young. I found Victoria Holt when I was 12 and that woman could weave a story. Next came Phyllis Whitney and some obscure childrens authors. I have a 1950’s collection of the Dana Girls mysteries. I found Robert B. Parker by reading a Cosmo @ 17. They used to condense stories and I had to read the whole story and therefore fell in love with Spenser. Just like my favorite authors I keep what appeals to my sense of adventure, fun, social commentary and life experience. One of my favorite books is an old one called “I Start Counting”. It was written by Audrey Erskine Lindop. I actually tracked it down and it lives in my library. Since I now have a nook I have found some free books that are just fun and live forever in my digital library.

    • Oh, my goodness, Cat. I haven’t thought of Victorial Holt and Phyllis Whiney in years.I used to love reading them. Growing up, I lived way out in the country and couldn’t wait for the bookmobile to come around so I can stock up on those two authors.

      It’s always great to chat with you here at the blog. Thanks for being one of my Beloved Faithfuls!

      The drawing is next Monday, so do check back here for the winners.

  7. Lori Thomas says:

    I keep my signed books (and a spare to read over and over again.) I keep books by my favorite authors including Sharon Sala, Charlaine Harris, Jan Hudson and a few others. Another type of keeper I have is the books that grab hold of my soul and don’t let go. One such book is Billy Bob Walker got Married by Lisa G. Brown. This book came out almost twenty years ago and the characters are still fresh in my mind.
    What makes a book a keeper is different for everyone. It could be the first book you bought with your own money. Or it could be a book that made such an impact on you that you felt that is was written about you and for you. Or it could be a book that made you laugh out loud in the middle of a waiting room.

    • I love your perspective, Lori. I’ve had other readers tell me about the books that got them through a terrible time, whether it was in a waiting room or merely in their own home when they were too blue to get up out of the chair.

      It’s a delight to have you here at our blog discussioin about books. Your are now eligible for all the drawings throughout the year. Next Monday, I will announce the first winners.

  8. Thank you for the lovely mention! I keep all of my signed books, of course. And I do re-read those books where the characters become like family, or the message struck a chord.
    Wishing you all the best with the Sweetest Hallelujah!

    • You are so welcome, Regan. I’m very excited about The Sweetest Hallelujah and can’t wait for it to get into the hands of readers. I look forward to finally meeting you at RWA.

  9. Lee says:

    I always keep all of my signed books, becaue they are special to me. I don’t re-read a lot, because there are so many books out there to read! Keep on writing!! Hugs!

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