Book Party, More Giveaways and the Littlest Fans

EllaI love book parties. There is always some wonderful surprise, whether it’s seeing a longtime fan, meeting a new one or simply getting great feedback from someone who has already read the book. Saturday at Barnes and Noble in Tupelo, the surprise came in small packages!  The adorable Dunbar children showed up, with their mom, of course, and precocious little Ella, age 5, marched right up and started interviewing me.  What a doll!  Her mom then purchased a signed book just for her. Take a look at that grin on Ella’s face!  This is a girl who already knows the value of a book, particularly a signed one.

Dunbar TwinsNot to be outdone, Ella’s twin sisters, GraceLynn Jane and Felicity Diane, age 2, got in on the act. They got books, too!  To keep till they are old enough to read, their mom said. That’s one smart lady!
We had food and fun and door prizes galore at the party.  Two happy people went home with audio copies of The Oleander Sisters.
Winners of last week’s blog giveaway are Majorie Roberts and Dorothy Dauzat. Each of you will receive an audio copy of The Oleander Sisters with signed covers.  I need your mailing address. Just click the contact button on this website and send me an email. Alternatively, you can send me a private message on Facebook. Just click on the FB icon on the Home page here.
Two lucky people who leave comments on this week’s blog will each receive a $10.00 gift card from the online bookstore of your choice. Winners will be announced here next Monday.
Sometime this week I plan to have free bookplates for The Oleander Sisters so those of your who couldn’t attend a book party can have a signed book.  My grandson David deigns my bookplates.  It’s had to believe that the little tow-headed cherub I used to pull around my front yard in a red Radio Flyer wagon is now a 6’4″, sweet-natured, handsome young man getting ready for his senior year in high school.
That’s it for this week. I’ll see you next Monday!


27 Responses to Book Party, More Giveaways and the Littlest Fans

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  9. Betty Ashcraft says:

    Great reads. It is hard for me to say which books I like the best. They are all great.
    I have to agree with you, David is a handsome young man, love the Webb family in Molino.

  10. Beth Dunbar says:

    Dear Elaine I would like to thank you dearly for taking the time to interact with my family. I would like to note that if it had not been for my mom we would not have known about the signing. I know when the girls are old enough they will look back on this experience and see what an honor it was to be part of such an event. You have shown them true “Southern” hospitality and are someone they can look up to. Again thank you for this honor. We can not wait to see what the future holds.

  11. Cat says:

    As much as i loved the sweetest halleluah, i think i love this more. I can see a bit of myself in both sisters. You are a wonderful writer and i always look forward to your new works. Kudos to another spectacular read.

    • elaine hussey says:

      Thanks for that great compliment, Cat. I am so glad to hear how much you loved The Oleander Sisters. Readers loved The Sweetest Hallelujah so much, I wondered how they would respond to the follow-up novel. I love your feedback.

  12. Lee Einhaus says:

    One day I’ll make it to one of your book parties, but now I’m just looking forward to seeing you at Lemuria in Sept!

  13. Elaine Hussey says:

    BTW, I just saw two typos in my blog post! Yikes! I read it several times before my webmaster posted it, but didn’t see them. I hope my fans will bear with me. I have this weird disease with a big name in my right eye, and even with corrective lenses, I still have only 20/50 vision. You should see me peering at type that seems to grow smaller each year!

  14. Rachel says:

    Are book parties signings? They look like a lot more fun than just a signing!

    • Elaine Hussey says:

      Hi Rachel! When I sign books in my hometown, I turn them into parties, sometimes with a cake that features the cover of my book, always with punch or sweet tea, sometimes cookies and candy and balloons and door prizes. Yes, they are lots of fun! Two other places I sign books always turn the event into a party, Off-Square Books in Oxford, Mississippi, and Page and Palette in Fairhope, Alabama. I’ll be in both those places signing my next book in September, The Language of Silence, written as Peggy Webb and published by Gallery Books at Simon & Schuster. Oh, it’s a wonderful book, filled with circus magic! Do read about it at my other website, Thanks for stopping by! Grab a good book and a glass of tea and have a party!

  15. Elaine Hussey says:

    By the way, Marjorie, the audio book you won last Monday will be on its way to you tomorrow! Thanks for checking back!

    Dorothy, I need your address so I can send your audio gift book.

  16. Elaine Hussey says:

    Thanks for stopping by. Instead of Tuesday with Morrie, you get Mondays with Elaine…or Mondays with Peggy. Since I write under both Elaine Hussey (my middle and maiden name) and Peggy Webb (my first and married name), I’ll sometimes blog as Elaine and sometimes as Peggy, depending on what’s cooking at my desk. See you here!

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