Notes from the Road

I’m in New Hampshire (a very long day of plane travel from Mississippi), enjoying my role of grandmother to two of my four grands. Still, I can never get too far away to share all things bookish!

First, thanks for putting Risky Brides, a multi-author, multi-genre collection, on many of the best seller lists. You guys rock!  As another way to say thank you, I’ve joined A Girl And Her Kindle plus other writers in a Mega Christmas Giveaway. Sign up for a chance to win a Kindle Fire or a $200 gift card, no purchase required.

Nice & NaughtyNow, get ready for Sunday Cove! I’m putting together a series of romantic comedies set in a charming seaside town on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Each book will be a stand alone read, but you’ll want to follow along with the zany regulars who live in Sunday Cove. The town even had its own romantic legend.

The first book will be on preorder very soon – Naughty and Nice.  Watch for it! Books two and three will follow in January and February, with more to come!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading my books!


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  4. GladysMP says:

    I just recently read an interesting fact about New Hampshire. It said people were moving there because of the great political changes there. I was fascinated.

    • elaine hussey says:

      Hmmm, Gladys, I’ve been visiting my daughter and her family there for twenty years, and I’ve never heard that. Still, Concord is a lovely town, and I’ve enjoyed visiting there in all seasons.

  5. bn100 says:

    Looking forward to the books

    • elaine hussey says:

      Thanks! Naughty and Nice is available now, and Birds of a Feather in on preorder. I think you’ll enjoy stepping back to a more innocent time where the bedroom door is closed and the language is clean.

  6. Ann Waters says:

    Congrats on the booksand enjoy the grandchildren 🙂

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