The Magic of Story

Ink has been spilled, teeth gnashed and hair pulled out by the roots in pursuit of the perfect way to promote books. Blogging and websites and contests and book-signings have all been touted then trashed, embraced or discarded altogether.

It’s a worthy pursuit, this race to see if we, the writers, can latch onto the perfect way to make you, the reader, absolutely love every story we tell, every word we write. And yet, the most basic truth is seldom discussed – story.

Story is the key.  If our stories are filled with lyric beauty and great characters who feel so real to the readers they can hardly wait to turn the page and find out what happens next, word will get around. Agents and editors and marketing professionals will adore the book. They’ll want to position it well in the bookstores so it has the best chance of getting into the hands of readers. Reviewers will heap accolades on our darlings so readers will have an irresistible urge to see for themselves what all the shouting is about.

And the readers – God bless them all! – will tell their friends, who will salivate to own a copy, perhaps find out where the author will appear next so that copy can be signed – a first edition, honest-to-goodness autographed novel that might someday be worth a hundred times the cover cost, or more.

Meanwhile, there’s that wonderful story between the pages of a lovely book just waiting to entertain you for hours. The joy of it all!

While it’s a good thing to have a presence through websites, blogs, Facebook pages, contests and book-signings where we get to chat with and be energized by our fans, it’s always good to get back to the office cocoon where there is nothing except the writer, the characters, the muse and the story.  That’s where the magic takes place.

And if we write an enduring story, one that lives in the hearts of readers long after the last page has been turned, we should pat ourselves on the back and say, “Job well done.” We should take a bit of time off to go to the movies (I highly recommend Tangled.  LOVE that sassy horse, Max), sit on the porch swing, sip a glass of wine, a cup of tea, a milkshake, pick flowers for our hair, dance in the moonlight.  Even with snow on the ground. Especially with snow on the ground.

In what ways have you celebrated either reading or writing a good book? What makes you love a character?

I hope you’ll stop by often to leave a comment. Every Friday, more or less, we’ll be discussing something new. If there’s anything you’d like to discuss, let me know.

And please do tell your friends. On April 15th, I will draw a name from the list of everyone who has left a comment on this blog. The lucky winner will receive a $25 bookstore gift card.  Additionally, I’ll be giving away gift cards of various denominations at random times and in random ways throughout the year. And do check back here for news of the BIG CONTEST I’ll have on publication of The Sweetest Hallelujah.

Thanks for stopping by.

4 Responses to The Magic of Story

  1. Lee says:

    Love your writing. Cannot wait for this book!!

  2. Debra Webb says:

    Great post! I LOVE the cover for debut novel!

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